Thursday, December 18, 2014

StopAction/Blurred motion/Helix water/Light trails

This picture was done in my chemistry class when we were burning copper wire with other elements. This was on close up setting. The aperture was at 1/250.

This is stop action on the aperture size was 1/450.
This was done by the court house duck park. I wanted to do a picture with living thing interacting with water.The mode was stop action and the aperture size was 500.

This picture to a long time because my little sister wanted a princess background and wouldnt take the picture unless she was twirling with the princesses. It was on landscape  mode amd the aperture size 1/350.

This was done in my living room with my sibling assisting me. The aperture size was done on bulb and took along time to get it right.